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    Ku’s dream 結果共7筆

  • 百萬網紅邀博恩上節目慘了!網怒「出征退追」 急鎖影片滅火

    法國YouTuber「Ku’s dream酷的夢」在台發展多年,在YouTube擁有177萬粉絲追蹤,怎料,邀請脫口秀主持人博恩上節目,卻慘遭網友出征,紛紛喊退訂,昨(1)晚一度將影片轉成私人。
    2024/05/02 07:51
  • 騙很大!百萬網紅控台零食「90%都假」 法式燉飯見「義國旗」

    來自法國的YouTuber「酷的夢Ku’s dream」在台居住一段時間,常拍片分享台灣及法國文化不同之處,在YouTube上累積了166萬訂閱者,可見其超高人氣。近日他和法國朋友點評標榜「法式」的台灣零食,驚呼真的「騙很大」,並直言「台灣有90%的『法式』產品都是假的」,影片一出馬上引起網友們討論。
    2023/12/22 13:32
  • French YouTuber gains Taiwan residency amid critique

    French YouTuber "Ku" from the channel "Ku’s Dream" has obtained permanent residency in Taiwan, but faces criticism for repetitive content. With 1.63 million subscribers and over a million views per video, the channel enjoys popularity on the video-sharing platform. While some appreciate the cultural exchange and reactions to Taiwanese cuisine, others critique the lack of variety. As "Ku" settles into his new status, supporters and critics are eager to see how his content and personal narrative in Taiwan will develop.
    2023/11/25 13:53
  • French YouTuber obtains permanent residency in Taiwan

    A well-known French YouTuber, Ku, has been granted permanent residency in Taiwan after residing in the country for over five years. With a passion for Taiwanese cuisine and culture, Ku’s YouTube channel, "Ku’s dream酷的夢," has gained a substantial following of 1.61 million subscribers. Meeting the eligibility criteria of staying more than 183 days annually in the past five years, Ku expressed that obtaining permanent residency in Taiwan is a validation of his sense of belonging. He also praised the convenience, efficiency, and creator-friendly environment of living in Taiwan. Ku’s connection to Taiwan has deepened following his residency approval, and he aims to promote Taiwan, boost Taiwanese nationals’ confidence, and foster a sense of identity.
    2023/11/13 19:32
  • 終拿到台灣永久居留證!法籍百萬網紅「酷」嗨喊:被肯定

    2023/11/13 16:07
  • 不二人選!超商再推「芋頭教主」聯名 網喊:再翻車就廠商問題

    超商7-ELEVEN先前與網紅Joeman聯名推出鮮食商品,結果外界評價褒貶不一,昨(20)日7-ELEVEN再度宣布,與百萬YouTuber、法國籍網紅「酷的夢- Ku’s dream」合作,力推一系列芋頭商品,讓網友大讚「完全找對人」、「再翻車就廠商問題」。
    2023/03/21 22:54
  • 法國人吃台灣早餐「被這碗嚇壞」 網曝:一票台人也無法

    來自法國的知名YouTuber「酷的夢- Ku’s dream」時常拍攝異國文化主題的影片,先前他請在法國的台灣廚師準備「台灣學校營養午餐」給法國高中生吃,讓一群人驚艷不已。這回他祭出4項台灣各地常見的「早餐」,給平常早餐都吃牛奶、麥片、優格、麵包或蛋糕的法國朋友品嘗,其中「這一碗」不僅嚇壞眾人,連一堆台灣人也直喊「真的是惡夢!」
    2022/02/28 15:56
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